Captain Alex Stegmair,
German Air Force EUROFIGHTER Typhoon pilot in the TAW74
Q: Alex, did you try any other solutions before attending our course?
- A: No, because there is no other test pilot school in Germany and I wanted to attend a Germany based school.
Q: How did you first hear about our training?
- A: I was searching the internet.
Q: What made you choose our course over anything else you could have done?
- A: Due to Corona it was impossible to attend one of the other schools. Additionally, flight test training has been provided for the armed forces by EURO FLIGHT TEST, which raised my confidence in the quality of the training.
Q: What are three benefits you’ve experienced by attending our training?
- Highly experienced teachers, who worked for the military and civil contractors
- Small, individual groups with a nice mixture of pilots and engineers
- Flying in a completely new environment with special aircraft (f.e. EXTRA 330)
Q: What is life like now that you’ve completed our course?
- A: I actually do have a better view, what is done in the flight test world. As well, I do have a better understanding on the technical side.
Q: How does our course help you in your business?
- A: It gives the chance for new flight test jobs in the future, after my career as an active fighter pilot.
Q: What surprised you the most or made you the happiest about attending the course?
- A: The composition of the group (highly experienced pilots and really valuable engineers; active military and industry) was very beneficial.
Q: If you were to recommend our courses to your best friend, what would you say?
- A: If you want to join a highly interesting course, with highly motivated teachers and don´t want to go all the way to other flight schools, join EURO FLIGHT TEST! I have ACTUALLY recommended the very same course to a friend who will attend next spring 🙂