Celebrating the CAT2 Class 2024-A Graduation Ceremony

We are thrilled to announce the successful graduation of the CAT2 Class of 2024-A! This milestone event was highlighted by an inspiring keynote speech from Didier Delsalle, the legendary former Airbus Helicopters test pilot and the first man to reach Mt. Everest by helicopter.

The ceremony was a heartfelt occasion attended by our students, esteemed instructors, supportive family members, and close friends. The evening included a formal dinner, where the class presented the remarkable “Top Fun” video and where Céline Bonnefous and Wouter Plaetinck delivered humorous speeches, celebrating their journey and special moments.

A special thank you to Dieter Reisinger, our exceptional Head of Training, who skillfully guided us through the program with his typical enthusiasm.

We are proud to present the Best of Class award to Guillaume Remigi for his outstanding performance and commitment, while the student test pilot Anton Dilcher and the instructor Martin Hinterwaldner received the safety award.

Congratulations to all our graduates from Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V., Lilium, H55, Daher and Bundeswehr (German Federal Armed Forces)! We look forward to follow your career steps in your future endeavors.


LILIUM awards Flight Test Training Contract to EFT

After successful completion of negotiations and site surveys EFT proudly announces that it has signed a framework agreement for flight test training services with the premier European manufacturer of eVTOL aircraft, LILIUM.

During the first batch the Munich based company will send one Flight Test Engineer to EFT for EASA CAT2 training. As with that engineer the upcoming CAT2 course is fully booked, EFT will execute a second CAT2 course starting July 15 this year, where additional 2 test pilot students from LILIUM will join.

EFT thanks LILIUM for its trust and confidence in the training capabilities of EFT and is looking forward to a longterm cooperation.

Christophe Hommet, Head of Flight Test at LILIUM and Rolf Hellbutsch, Managing Director at EURO FLIGHT TEST

EFT achieves Full Scope Approval as Flight Test ATO

As first commercial European Test Pilot School, EFT recently received approval from the German CAA (Luftfahrtbundesamt) to perform the complete spectrum of flight test training i.a.w. EASA regulations:

  • Aeroplane CAT 2 TP and LFTE
  • Aeroplane CAT 1 TP and LFTE
  • Helicopter CAT 2 TP and LFTE
  • Helicopter CAT 1 TP and LFTE
  • Flight Test Instructor (A)
  • Flight Test Instructor (H)

Following this tremendous milestone, EFT has commenced its first EASA CAT 1 Helicopter course.

Thanks to the trust of our customers, the dedication of our staff and the professionalism of the Luftfahrtbundesamt EFT can expand its promotion of flight test safety and highest standards in flight test to the European aviation community.

EFT becomes Eventucation Provider

Eventucation = event + education. You can do academics in a conventional classroom. Or, if you want to offer your employees a unique experience, choose a special environment. A defense contractor approached EFT with the wish to combine a 2-days “Aircraft System Safety” course with a team event, as they operate 2 dispersed teams within their Design Organisation and intend to foster the team spirit.

Located in the Rhine area, the obvious solution was a cruise ship tour. EFT rented a ship which can accommodate up to around 40 students and performed the course in a relaxed atmosphere on 2 warm and sunny September days. The large sun deck, the elaborate lunch buffet, stunning vistas over medieval castles and the famous Loreley, and a glass of regional wine completed the wonderful days.

Graduation Ceremony CAT2 Class 01

On 4th of August, EFT held the Graduation Ceremony for its first CAT2 Fixed Wing course. This was also the first ever EASA CAT2 course to be completed in Germany. After 4 months of hard work and some long nights the student test pilots and flight test engineers got their well-deserved certificates during a formal dinner together with their families, colleagues and instructors.

As a special guest and keynote speaker Peter Weger, the first-flight experimental test pilot for EUROFIGHTER and Do-328, congratulated them and reminded them of their responsibilities as flight testers. The Best of Class I Award was handed over to Kris, who with his professionalism, dedication and calmness acted as a role model for his colleagues. A special moment of the evening was when the students handed over gifts to EFT management and the instructors.

Thanks to the students for being wonderful customers, for their superiors to put the trust in us and to the instructors for their passionate work! You all made this remarkable event possible!

Student video of their course: https://youtu.be/HcIasqdFcVs

DLR awards CAT2 Training Contract to EFT

After completion of a competitive tender EFT has won a contract from DLR (German Aerospace Center) for EASA Category 2 Fixed Wing training for one test pilot and one lead flight test engineer. The training will commence in spring of 2023. With the two students from DLR the CAT2 course is already fully booked for 2023. Registration for the spring 2024 course starts now.

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. At 30 locations the DLR employs more than 9,800 people. The DLR maintains offices in Brussels, Paris, Tokyo and Washington D.C.
DLR operates the largest fleet of research aircraft in Europe.

Foto: Dr. Dieter Reisinger, Head of Training, EFT & Ingmar Mayerbuch, Head of Flight Test, DLR

Finnish Air Force selects EFT as EASA CAT 2 Training Provider

EFT is the winner of an international competition for EASA CAT 2 training for Finnish Air Force test pilots and flight test engineers. The contract, awarded by the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command, tasks EFT to provide training for up to 10 Air Force participants. The course will be performed at Finnish Air Force premises in Finland and is complemented by live video distance learning.

EFT is proud to serve the Finnish Air Force as flight test training provider.

EFT won Contract from Air Astana for MCF Training

EFT won a contract from Air Astana, Kazakhstan, who asked for a maintenance check flight (MCF) course for a selected group of their Boeing 767 pilots. This very first group of airline pilots successfully passed the course and were awarded the MCF-training certificate. EFT´s course was designed to meet the stringent EASA requirements and included upset prevention training (UPRT). 

A highly specialised training is required whenever an airline plans to conduct “Level A” MCFs after heavy maintenance. Airlines typically schedule their most experienced pilots to get the job done. Depending on the nature of the maintenance task, a variety of system checks has to be performed on ground and in flight before the aircraft is allowed to re-enter scheduled service.

The course was held by our Chief Flight Test Pilot Dr. Dieter Reisinger, a 737, 777 and former 767 technical pilot. Dieter was supported by Capt. Dave Carbaugh, a retired Boeing flight test pilot and winner of the “European Flight Test Safety Award”. Dave is rated on all Boeing models. He is a former U.S. Air Force and Boeing instructor pilot. Dave´s 30 years of flight test experience on all Boeing models definitely added great value to this very first MCF course. The five days of academic training in our school were complemented by practical training in a 767 Level D Full Flight Simulator at our partner Lufthansa Aviation Training in Frankfurt. The students successfully passed an oral exam.

We thank Air Astana for trusting EFT. We provide competence in flight test training. EFT is looking forward to adding value to airline pilot training in this segment. Congratulations to the three KC pilots!

EASA completes UAS Training at EFT

With delivery drones, new e-VTOL concepts and military UAVs to enter the European airspace, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) needs to develop new certification standards which reflect the specific aspects of unmanned aircraft.

With its unique team of UAS experts and located just a one-hour drive from its premises in Cologne, EASA chose EFT as its UAS training supplier. EFT’s instructors, who formerly worked in prominent positions in major UAS programs like Barracuda, EURO HAWK and NATO AGS, provided a holistic overview of UAV history, concepts, design, certification, flight test, electrical propulsion and safety. The topics were highlighted from a manufacturer’s view as well as from a civil and military operational view. Although rather young in history, several lessons-learned could already be drawn, which will be incorporated into certification guidelines and will help to avoid future design flaws. Due to COVID restrictions the training was delivered as a one-week webinar.

EFT thanks EASA for its trust and stands by for further support in order to make UAS as safe and efficient as possible.

Source: FAZ.net

Luftwaffe completes OT&E Course as Launch Customer

In April two pilots and two technical officers from the German Air Force successfully performed a 3-weeks customized OT&E course at EFT’s new Integrated Training and Simulation Center (ITSC). Within this high workload course, the students evaluated 7 different aircraft and helicopter types with increasing complexity. The goal of the course was to enable the team to evaluate military airborne systems w.r.t. mission effectiveness and operational suitability by application of structured and standardized evaluation and reporting procedures. Despite pandemic restraints the course could be conducted as planned due to the stringent hygiene concept and strict testing philosophy. EFT is very proud to serve the German Air Force as a reliable training partner.